poetry, Self Care

Self Love – Poem

Breeze - flickr.com by Lettuce1
Breeze – flickr.com by Lettuce1


The morning breeze has secrets to tell you

don’t go back to sleep. ~ Rumi


There is something about the very early morning hours of a new day. A portal into the unconscious. I awoke at 3 a.m. and listened to the pre-dawn sounds: a whispering early morning breeze, the house settling, swaying branches.

Thoughts spilled out onto a nearby notepad.


Self Love 


Unearth your soul

buried under layers of debris

called rejection, abandonment,



Dig deep

excavate with care

around a fragile treasure,

yours to be found.


Keep going

brush away the dirt

until the glow

from your soul appears.


Lift gently,

bring your essence forth,

cradle you

in warm hands.


Hold close,

a luminous life force,

resplendent and 

uniquely yours.


Breathe deep,

promise yourself

never to ever

bury yourself again.©


What secrets do the morning breeze bring to you?

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