Encouragement, NaNoWriMo, Nathan Bransford, Writing

How About that NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month 2014
National Novel Writing Month 2014

So, who’s taking up the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel during the month of November?

Me, me, me—I have my hand up—I’m working on a novel about three generations of women, three broken hearts and one love potion that goes awry.

Yes, I know, it’s going to be a busy month, with Thanksgiving coming up and Black Friday shopping, but what about having some fun before all that starts?

Are you in?

Yes! Keep reading.

Here’s a few “How’s” and a “Why” to challenge yourself during National Novel Writing Month.

How about putting those novel ideas, the ones you’ve had for months or years, down on the computer screen?

How about resuscitating that shelved 5,000 word piece you started?

How about building a daily habit of writing—at least for 30 days?

How about going crazy and letting your fingers fly over the keyboard without self-editing judgement?

Why write alone? Follow other Nano’s, write in community, and find some writing buddies.

Here’s what you get:

  1. Pep talks from Veronica Roth, Chuck Wendig, Kami Garcia and others.
  2. Five tips from Nathan Bransford on How To Get Started and other advice.
  3. Self satisfaction that you completed a challenge and a badge graphic to prove it.
  4. Sponsor discounts on some great deals from Createspace, Scrivener (word processing/project management), and other stuff.
  5. Cool web graphics for your social media.
  6. A first draft—sh*tty or otherwise— of a novel (at least 50k of a novel, just 10K more to go).
  7. Something to show for November other than a turkey.
  8. The ire of Nano haters. Ignore them and just write. Don’t look back.
  9. Proof that you can commit to writing for 30 days.
  10. The incentive to make new goals for your first draft: rewrite, revise, rinse, repeat.

Here’s what you don’t get:

  1. You do not get to send your first draft to an agent, publisher, or make it into an E-book.

Go through the process, see numero #10, to make your novel viable for beta readers, editors, agents, or submit for an E-book.

Good luck to those of you who take up the challenge.

See you at #NaNoWriMo2014.

Write On!

7 thoughts on “How About that NaNoWriMo?”

  1. I have done NanoWrimo three times and thought I would never do it again. But now that my novel is out, I think I need something fresh to work from. So I am tempted! It is a great way to get something down. The pressure is hard but it is also part of the fun. In any case it is to see what comes from a daily regimen of writing. So I really think that it’s not something to do every year, but to help the creative juices flow again, it is great. The fact that other writers do it at the same time is also cool.
    I like the list you give us and will definitely look into the pep talks (Veronica Roth is such a good writer!). Plus the little gifts or discounts are always good to look at.
    So I suppose you will do it too, then? We should post about it during the month of November. Cheers!


  2. This will be third time with NANO. I absolutely love that I can set aside a few hours every day for a month and make some progress on my novel! 50k words does not a novel make. I am into the 150k words now…I doubt I will finish it in November, but hope I will be able to resolve some character issues and find a way to tie it up nicely!


      1. 280 words per page is average. A 500 page novel has 145,000 words. When you begin to edit, then it is less. 150,000 words is NOT a lot of words. I write 1700 words per day to meet my 50k. fifty thousand words is a very short 1/4″ book!


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