Encouragement, Faith, Inspiration, Writing

Don’t Meltdown When You Feel Like Giving Up

quote on not giving up

Have you ever had months or weeks when you just want to throw up your hands and give up? One of those weeks when not much made sense, you asked ‘why?’ and the gloomy clouds outside matched your mood?

Yeah, I had a month of those weeks in my writing life.

But a great thing happened in the midst of the dark. I didn’t have a meltdown because other people’s posts and words (which I stumbled upon) lifted me above the clouds; especially this week.

I want to share these words and say thank you to the writers/bloggers who I came across in the past seven days:

“I heard a preacher say recently that hope is a revolutionary patience; let me add that so is being a writer. Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.” Anne Lamott

A revolutionary patience. I loved hearing hope described in that way.

“misery shared is misery halved, and joy shared is joy doubled.”

At Publishing Crawl, author Stacie Lee and Stephanie Garber gave encouragement with their post, Moving Beyond Rejection. My misery halved.

Bustle.com had an article on Octavia Butler’s Letter to Herself:

Octavia Butler's letter on writing, books,
Octavia Butler’s Letter to Herself-archives Huntington Library

Some humorous pet photos passed my way and the laughter lifted my spirits:

dog with eyebrows, humor, pets
Yeah, I got my eyebrows done. What do you think?

An angel appeared:(from Gerry Wilson’s blog).


12 reminders to live passionately  dropped into my email box.

And this past weekend I went to a woman’s worship service and Sunday service. The message from one: You can worship through your hardship.

The message from our ‘tell it like it is’ pastor: “Hard Life, Good God.” He spoke on the reality of trials, that they are unavoidable but purposeful.

Yes, it was ‘one of those months,’ but I heard the message loud and clear.

When we don’t know what to do pray, ask for wisdom, have faith, and believe.

I feel better already!

11 thoughts on “Don’t Meltdown When You Feel Like Giving Up”

  1. What a lovely post. I need to be reminded that it really is okay not to be okay sometimes, and I’m not really in charge anyway! (I’m glad the angel was there for you, too.)


    1. Hi Keisha,
      My next ‘to do’ is to sit and write a letter similar to Butler’s and save it in my journal and computer. I’m glad you liked the dog, first time I saw it I lmao, reminded me of some girls I knew back in the day 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi,

    Sometimes it’s hard to encourage ourself. But He always gives us what we need. Like you, we have to just learn to trust him in the process.

    It seems like you ran into some good people so I will pay them all a visit.

    I seen this post over at Mostly Blogging and I will be sharing.

    I have a question. How did you add the StumlbeUpon button to your blog?



    1. I’m glad you stopped by Vernon. I recently found a five-year-old page of scriptures someone gave to me that was meant to encourage ourselves whenever we said negative or depressing things. I need to retype & reprint as it’s so worn.
      To add StumbleUpon go to the left side of your WordPress (I see we use the same theme). Scroll down to “Sharing” click and it opens to “sharing buttons.” Under “Available Services, drag the StumbleUpon icon to the area that says “Enable Services.” Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save.”
      I hope that works. Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

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